Satomi Sekiguchi is a high school graduate from Nagano Prefectural Nagano Senior High School, where she developed a strong foundation in academics and extracurricular activities. Eager to enhance her language skills and broaden her horizons, she attended Kaplan International in Vancouver as an international student. 

Currently, Satomi works with various automobile auctions throughout Japan, where she plays a pivotal role in the auction process. Her responsibilities encompass a wide array of tasks, including registration, vehicle inspection, smog testing, and navigating local and national tax regulations. She is also knowledgeable about insurance options and oversees maintenance and repairs, ensuring that vehicles meet all necessary standards.

Satomi’s expertise extends to a diverse range of vehicles, including passenger cars, commercial vehicles, vans, trucks, buses, and motorcycles. Additionally, she has substantial knowledge of construction, agricultural, and industrial machinery, which enables her to assist clients across multiple sectors.